So I went to see The Bob’s Burgers Movie yesterday. The movie was… fine. I haven’t watched the show so I don’t know how it compares to that. The songs are stuck in my head now, though. I mainly saw it because who knows when the next theatrical 2D animated movie will be? (The backgrounds are mostly CGI but the characters and some props are 2D.) Louise gets the most focus in the movie for those wondering.

I’m more so proud of myself for going to the movies in the first place. My damn anxiety makes me so nervous to go ANYWHERE. Last time I went to a theater was in 2013 to see Despicable Me 2. Nearly 9 years ago.

Maybe I’m just scared of people being judgmental and not approving of me. Stupid fears.

With that said, I have felt more confident in my abilities to do great things as of late. But I can’t do everything all at once, so I’ll need to give it some time.

It’s too bad that I’m impatient.

Page Created: May 30th, 2022

Last Updated: May 30th, 2022