Not sure how to start this off, so I won’t and just get to the point. I regret my last article.

Let me rephrase that. I regret my last article partially.

Things I take back saying in that are mostly the boycotting stuff. Boycotting is complicated, forceful to people with different views, and generally doesn’t work. If something fails or succeeds, it usually comes naturally. I don’t even want to boycott myself anymore. I’m inevitably buying more Kirby merch as we speak because it makes me happy and all corporations are evil by default anyway. Basically, I was a hypocrite and impulsive at the same time. So I’m done with the boycotting nonsense.

With that said, I never bought Forgotten Land, mostly due to lack of interest. I’ll get to playing it eventually, but not anytime soon.

My regrets over that article is the main reason I haven’t been updating the site. Lack of direction is another reason.

But I think I’m ready to start updating the site again. I don’t want to abandon this place. If anything, I could find my footing and figure out what I want to do with the site.

Consider the unannounced hiatus to be over.

(Also, Advance Wars WHEN.)

Page Created: May 24th, 2022

Last Updated: May 24th, 2022